Welcome! I accompany you on the journey of raising your level of consciousness

Open your heart and connect with your inner wisdom, leaving behind beliefs and judgments to heal and transform. Your path to emotional freedom starts here!

Sessions of mentoring, coaching and Bioneuroemoción ®

“La solución a todos nuestros problemas está en la elevación de nuestro nivel de consciencia”.

Aaron Maldonado

Who am I? My biography

Entrepreneur, mentor and speaker

Aaron Maldonado is an entrepreneur, mentor, and speaker dedicated to transforming the lives of people through its focus on the emotional well-being and the elevation of consciousness.

With a strong background in Mechanical engineering and an I-MBA, has merged his business experience with tools Bioneuroemoción®, a discipline that is studied in the Enric Corbera Institute. With almost 20 years of meditation, he is also the founder of the “Club of the Miracle”, where you guide a large group of people in their spiritual development and control of the ego.

Your personal sessions, workshops and retreats are designed to offer an escort deep, helping individuals, families and organizations to find coherence, purpose, and harmony. Corporations, businesses and foundations in Colombia, Spain, Venezuela and the usa.STATES have relied on their experience, wisdom, determination and resilience to achieve significant changes in directors, managers and co-workers.

If you are looking for a real transformation, Aaron gives you the guidance and the necessary accompaniment to reconnect with yourself, to raise your level of consciousness and empoderarte. 

Services I offer

Life Coaching sessions, mentoring sessions and Bioneuroemoción ®

Represent the spaces of healing, expansion and elevation of the consciousness to achieve emotional well-being and our maximum potential.

In these sessions...

I accompany you to identify and understand the source of your limiting beliefs, judgments, and thoughts that generate conflict, stress, and recurring patterns in your life. When you discover these sources, there is a change of perception, which has the effect of transforming your vision, your way of thinking and feeling, and allows you to start a healing process that transforms your relationship with yourself and with your world, causing important changes in your life and generating emotional well-being.

The approach

Designed to empower our clients to take control of your life, your well-being, transforming not only their thoughts, but also your reality in a way to a life more fully, consciously, and with purpose.



These sessions are also directed to accompany you to achieve objectives or goals are concrete and specific, it is a coaching progressive and continuous, and makes regular follow-up until the client reaches goals work and personal paths.

Who will offer these sessions?

Our proposals promote both personal growth of the participants as the development of equipment of work, with the aim of promoting a work environment collaborative, free and open trials. 

Individual clients

Individual sessions for both men and women, to heal limiting beliefs, release repressed emotions and patterns that are repeated, as well as trials, blocks and resistances, which does not allow us to feel whole and empowered.
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Family groups

Accompanying parents and children to attend to and manage effectively with challenging situations, challenging or difficult for parenting teens. Consists of individual sessions for both parents and young people over 16 years.
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Corporate clients

With our methodology, we help companies to achieve a work environment that is more collaborative, with a vision focused on the culture of service, responsibility, contribution and contribution of each of the participants.
Download our Brochure Corporate

Educational Environments

We accompany young people and adolescents in their process of discernment, in recognition of his passion for life and choice of his college career.
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Find out more about our:

Modalities and Durations of consultations:

Free consultation online
  • Price

USD $0

  • Duration

25 minutes

  • Price

USD $150

  • Duration

60 minutes

  • Price

USD $130

  • Duration

60 minutes

(Sent the link with a confirmation of the appointment.)

  • Price

USD $480

  • Duration

4 Sessions to be used in a period of two months from the day of purchase. 

(Sent the link with a confirmation of the appointment.)



We focus on identifying, accepting, and heal our negative thoughts, patterns, and emotions repressed and suppressed. As a result of this phase, improves the self-concept, self-perceptions of merit and worth. We experience inner peace, we will know how to keep it or, if necessary, to return to it. Harmonizes the inner energy and vitality. You learn to manage your emotions and experience inner peace.

Connection with the Be

Develops your connection with the emotions as a guide, the discernment, strengthens and develops the confidence in intuition and inner voice. In this way integrates the consistency and authenticity, to the further strengthening of confidence, self-esteem, self-love and empowerment. We make use of the power of now and the presence that we are. We know to achieve, maintain and recover inner peace.

Manifestation deliberate

From the awareness of our Being and inner power, we visualize with the intention of manifesting and attracting deliberately to our life the people, situations and experiences that are consciously want to live in.

In every area of your life we can have clarity of what you want to experience in your life, to learn, to contribute to the world. 

  • Health and Wellness
  • Relationships
  • Spirituality
  • Mind
  • Emotions
  • Finance
  • Career
  • Contribution and Service
  • Self-esteem and Confidence
  • Purpose of Life

The following path, looking for the person to recognize what is and what is not. It is a journey reflective observation and management of emotions, summarized in the following steps:

  • Acceptance, awareness and personal responsibility in the creation of reality.
  • Decision, willingness and openness for the change of perception.
  • Mechanism of release, and emotional management.
  • Discernment in the decision making.
  • Take action so inspired, timely and consistent.
  • I share fundamental concepts for raising the level of consciousness.
  • I teach and use basic tools: mechanism of release and forgive, meditation, self-observation and mindfulness and autoindagación to facilitate the process of emotional release.
  • Deprogramming of limiting beliefs, identifications, locks, resistors, judgments and emotions accumulated.
  • Management assertive emotions suppressed and repressed, as well as the underlying energy accumulated.
  • Emotional freedom technique (breathing, meditation, reprogramming, and change of perception).

Online Workshops

In our workshops with theoretical content and practical you learn and put into practice concepts and tools of the consciousness to begin to transform any area of your life and achieve emotional well-being.

Letting Go and Forgiving Workshop

We invite you to be part of the experience of the Power of Letting Go and Forgive Workshop experience. During the Workshop, we will learn both concepts and practical and simple tools to integrate the tool of letting go and forgiveness in our daily lives. With explanatory videos and exercises, we will enter a healing process that will allow us to release limiting thoughts and beliefs.
See more

Ámate Workshop

The AMATE experience, “Connect with the Power of your Being” aims for you to learn to consciously identify, let go and reprogram the limiting thoughts, judgments and beliefs that until now you have held about yourself, about your worth, identity, capacity, confidence, values, gifts and talents, including the beliefs you hold about your purpose in the world.
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Testimonials/ photos / videos


Changes of perception...

Mecanismo de soltar y gestión emocional asertiva.
Discernimiento en la toma de decisiones

“The support and work that I am doing with Aaron has helped me a lot to gain CLARITY, clarity of purpose, and clarity in my emotions.”

Paula Frewa

Doral, Florida

“The experience with Aaron is unique, and would recommend it to all those people who wholeheartedly want to create their best version and you feel at peace and in connection with them.”

Naiviv Mulberry

Miami, Florida

“The lens that I used to see my life has definitely changed. Therefore, all aspects of my life has been valued under different points of view.”

Gustavo Meyers

London, United Kingdom

[... is] A person structured with tools easy to use for me and to be applied in the day to day ... like for example: conscious Breathing, muscle testing, meditation.... thanks and deserving of love. A Course in Miracles ... these tools are the added value that has given me Aaron....”

Francisco Villamil

Bogotá, Colombia

” [I learned to] ... to take Responsibility for the situations and see them from the ‘For what? occur and see them the more loving and compassionate with the people who are involved and even to myself.”

Jesimar Melian

Austin, Texas

” [I learned to]... Vaciarme of all type of concept. Questioning thoughts, beliefs, and loyalties. Pray for the collective.... Thank you Aaron for your guide, to be a part of my transformation.”

Romina Siblesz

Caracas, Venezuela.

“I felt paralyzed without being able to take decisions, with an intense fear of being able to be wrong one more time and the corresponding shame hidden behind this whole situation. With the session I get the clarity of what was happening and the steps to follow to address and confront the fear that had me paralyzed!!! It helped Me to destrabarme.”

Felipe Proaño

Weston, Florida.

“Prior to the accompaniment with Aaron, faced doubts and blockages affecting my confidence and decision making. Through his guidance, I learned how to identify and transform limiting beliefs, thus achieving greater clarity, security and balance. This has improved my focus on projects, my communication and my relationship with myself and with others..... “

Bianca Leon

Orlando, Florida.

“The relationships with my daughters has been changing for the better, with my wife more and connection with my parents more understanding...”

Oswaldo Ramirez

Austin, Texas

Identify your thoughts

Aceptación, toma de conciencia y responsabilidad personal en la co-creación de tu realidad.

Frequently asked questions

  1. Free consultation online
    • Price: 
      • USD $0.
    • Duration: 
      • 25 minutes. 
  2. Individual session face-to-face 
    • Price: 
      • USD $150. 
    • Duration: 
      • 60 minutes.
  3. Individual session online 
    • Price: 
      • USD $130.
    • Duration:  
      • 60 minutes. 
    • (Sent the link with a confirmation of the appointment.)
  4. Package of sessions individual online 
    • Package of 4 Sessions to be used over a period of two months from the day of purchase. 
    • Price: 
      • USD 480. 
    • (Sent the link with a confirmation of the appointment.)

Lack of clarity: 

You don't have clarity and you find yourself paralyzed or procrastinating. You feel that you have a lot of projects pending matters or activities, you're struggling to prioritize and finish what you start.

Lack of timely action: 

You know what you want and you have to do, but you do not take timely action. 

On the contrary doubts. Streamline a lot of your decisions, and when you take a decision, often then you change your mind. 

Emotional distress (stress, anxiety, fear, anger, depression): 

If you feel an emotional charge constant, anxiety, or stress that you don't know or you can fully identify. These going through a situation of crisis or acute stress. 

Problems in your relationships: 

If you are experiencing difficulties in your interpersonal relationships, whether with family, friends or work colleagues.

Repetitive patterns: 

If you notice that you face the same problems again and again, as locks professional or personal that seem to have no solution, or another type of situations that have been repeated throughout your life. 

Low self-esteem and distrust: 

Make you feel unsafe and unable to achieve your goals, because you are afraid to make any mistakes by past experiences. Doubt of the intentions and skills of the other. 

Physical pains without explanation: 

If you are experiencing physical symptoms or recurring ailments that do not have a clear diagnosis or do not improve with conventional treatments.

Search for self-knowledge: 

If you are in a process of personal growth and want to deepen the understanding of yourself and your emotions. 

You've identified that you saboteas your happiness and that of others, of a variety of ways, and you don't know how to stop this trend. 

Desire for transformation: 

If you feel stuck and you want to make significant changes in your life, but do not know where to start.

Blockages or resistance

You feel blocked, things don't flow or don't go as you wanted. There are resistors that do not allow you to advance or develop naturally on specific areas of your life. 

If you identify with any of these situations, the sessions with Aaron and his methodology can be the support you need to start your journey to wellness and personal transformation.

  1. Individuals (adolescents and adults).
  2. Couples.
  3. Family groups.
  4. Businesses, banks, and corporations.
  5. Students and teaching staff, schools and universities.
  1. Credit card or debit card.
  2. Paypal. 
  3. Bank transfer and Zelle.

Do you have other questions?

We will contact you as soon as possible.

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